I read a sharing from 《文桥》,(
Original text:
“当那位在剧中饰演耶稣的队友走近时,一位天真的孩子带着些许羞涩,惊喜的告诉身边的友人:“Tengok, itu Yesus!”。当这位队友坐下时,小孩就迫不及待地扑到“耶稣”的怀包里,舒舒服服地笑着、靠着。...”
Translated text:
{When the teammate that acted Jesus in the drama came near, a naive little kid saw him and told his friend shyly and surprisingly :" See, that's Jesus!" When the teammate sat down, the little kid can't wait and ran into his arm, lying and smiling in his arm comfortably.....}
When I read this, it surprised me. What ran into my mind is same with the author, when I see Jesus someday, will I tell the people around me about HIM? Will I run in to HIS arm joyfully or I will come to HIM with a guilty heart?
Frankly, I never imagine that when I meet Him, I'll run into HIS arm and hug HIM. The image in my mind is when I see HIM, I'll only apologize and tell HIM:" Oh, Lord, I am sorry. I didnt do good enough. Oh, Lord, I am sorry. I didnt listen to You. Oh, Lord, I am sorry. I did so much things to break Your heart."
Another thing that came into my mind is do I ready to meet HIM yet? We always think that we still have plenty of time until we meet HIM. So, we just slacking and not alert about the time. But we will never know the time. Only God knows the time.
This sharing let me make a reflection and ponder about my life. I want to be His good disciple. And one day when I see HIM, I will run into HIS arm like a child. The child that He proud of!